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We’ve partnered up with Proxymity to make proxy-voting quick, clear and easy

Proxymity is the world’s first digital end-to-end proxy-voting platform. By digitalising your experience, they make the whole voting chain more efficient, accurate and transparent.

And best of all: it’s free of charge and will help you to be SRDII compliant.

We’ve teamed up with this product because we want to make your lives easier and make our industry better.

Welcome to Proxymity, your new time-saving connection that will make real-time connections between every person along the proxy-voting chain.

The future of proxy voting

Proxymity is a major disruptor to the proxy space.

At the moment, the manual paper-based system of proxy voting can lead to problems within the investment chain, including errors in vote dissemination – leaving investors unsure if their vote has even been counted.

There’s also a lack of transparency along the voting chain for investors and issuers, and a lack of control over meeting agendas with risks of distortion, interference and misinterpretation.

This long and unnecessary process means issuers don’t have key information about how their investors are going to vote at general meetings until it’s too late to do anything about it.

Digitalising proxy-voting will change all of that.

  • See the progress of votes as soon as they are cast and engage with investors ahead of deadline
  • Shareholders will have a better experience
  • The industry will be better without this archaic and problematic process
  • You’ll be ready for regulations like SRDII
  • Your lives are going to be a lot easier

If you would like to hear more on this subject we have produced the following podcast featuring core members of the Proxymity team:

We trust Proxymity

Proxymity are the absolute experts in what they do.

Their product is built on their extensive experience of the market, founded by two executives in Citi’s ICG Custody group with over 20 years of experience between them.

As winners of the Best innovation in Service award in 2018, Global Custodian consider them ‘the prime example of real innovation with potential to disrupt an established process’.

And you can trust us

We are committed to giving you the best possible service. By teaming up with Proxymity, we are constantly improving our expertise so that we can deliver what you need when it counts.

Graham Butcher

Head of Meeting Advisory Link Market Services

miraqle is a simple, globally accessible, integrated suite of digital solutions which supports share registration, employee share plans, investor relations, communications (externally and internally), and corporate governance.
